

Ming-Long Wu


Contact Info.

資訊系 / 資訊所 / AI學程 / 醫資所

  資訊系館新大樓12F 65C12

  06-2757575 ext 62541



      (資訊系館新大樓9F 65902)


Research Interests


School Record

台灣 \ 國立台灣大學 \ 電機工程學研究所 \ 博士(2001 ~ 2006)

台灣 \ 國立台灣大學 \ 電機工程學研究所 \ 碩士(1998 ~ 2000)

美國 \ 哈佛大學 \ 計算科學與工程研究所 \ 碩士(2016 ~ 2017)

台灣 \ 國立台灣大學 \ 電機工程學系 \ 學士(1994 ~ 1998)


Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging \ associate editor (2024 ~ now)

IEEE Tainan Section \ 財務長 (2024 ~ now)

國立成功大學 \ 心智影像研究中心 (MRI center) \ 技術組召集人 (2010 ~ now)

國際核磁共振醫學會(ISMRM) \ \ 會員 (0000 ~ now)

國際電腦協會(ACM) \ \ 會員 (0000 ~ now)

國際電機電子工程師學會(IEEE) \ \ 資深會員 (0000 ~ now)

杜克大學醫學院 \ 腦功能影像中心 \ 博士後研究 (2008 ~ 2010)

哈佛醫學院 \ 布利根及女子醫院 \ 博士後研究 (2006 ~ 2008)

Honor & Awards

2020 成功大學教學特優教師

2007 國科會菁英計畫獎學金

2005 國際醫用磁振造影協會學生獎學金

2003 國際醫用磁振造影協會學生獎學金

2000 國際醫用磁振造影協會學生獎學金


Refered Papers

1. M-L. Wu, C-K. Wang, P-Y. Lin, T-C. Chao "Optimization of quantitative susceptibility mapping by streaking artifact detection" Medical PhysicsMOST 104-2221-E-006 -266 -MY2SCI

2. S-C. Chiu, H-C. Chang, M-L. Chu, M-L. Wu, H-W. Chung, Y-R. Lin "De-aliasing for signal restoration in Propeller MR imaging" Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 36(2): 12-15MOST 104-2221-E-006-266-MY2SCI

3. M-L. Wu, H-C. Chang, T-C. Chao, N-K. Chen "Efficient imaging of midbrain nuclei using inverse double-echo steady-state acquisition" Medical Physics, 42(7):4367-4374, Jul 2015SCI

4. P-Y. Lin, T-C. Chao, M-L. Wu "Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Human Brain at 3 Tesla: A Multisite Reproducibility Study" American Journal of Neuroradiology, 36: 467-474, Mar 2015SCI

5. P-H. Wu, C-C. Cheng, M-L. Wu, T-C. Chao, H-W. Chung, and T-Y. Huang "Effects of RF profile on precision of quantitative T2 mapping using dual-echo steady-state acquisition" Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 32(1):102-6, Jan 2014SCI

6. P-H. Wu, P-H. Tsai, M-L. Wu, T-C. Chuang, Y-Y. Shih, H-W. Chung, and T-Y. Huang "High spatial resolution brain functional MRI using submillimeter balanced steady-state free precession acquisition" Medical Physics, 40(12):122304, Dec 2013SCI

7. Y-J. Liu, C-J. Juan, C-Y. Chen, C-Y. Wang, M-L. Wu, C-P. Lo, M-C. Chou, T-Y. Huang, H. Chang, C-H. Chu, and M-H. Li "Are the local blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signals caused by neural stimulation response dependent on global BOLD signals induced by hypercapnia in the functional MR imaging experiment? Experiments of long-duration hypercapnia and multilevel carbon dioxide concentration." American Journal of Neuroradiology, 28(6):1009-14, Jun 2007SCI

8. M-L. Wu, P-H. Wu, T-Y. Huang, Y-Y. Shih, M-C. Chou, H-S. Liu, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "Frequency Stabilization Using Infinite Impulse Response Filtering for BOSS fMRI at 3T" Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 57:369-379, Feb 2007SCI

9. M-C. Chou, M-L. Wu, C-Y. Chen, C-Y Wang, T-Y. Huang, Y-J. Liu, C-J. Juan, and H-W. Chung "TENsor Deflection (TEND) Tractography with Adaptive Sub-voxel Stepping" Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 24:451-458, Aug 2006SCI

10. K-H. Chuang, M-T. Wu, Y-R. Lin, K-S. Hsieh, M-L. Wu, S-Y. Tsai, C-W. Ko, and H-W. Chung "Application of model-free analysis in the MR assessment of pulmonary perfusion dynamics" Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 54(2):299-308, Aug 2005SCI

11. M-L. Wu, C-W. Ko, T-Y. Chen, M-T. Wu, H-W. Chung, T-Y. Huang, and Y-R. Lin "MR Ventriculocisternography By Using 3D Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging: Technical Note" American Journal of Neuroradiology, 26:1170-1173, May 2005SCI

12. W-C. Wu, C-C. Huang, H-W. Chung, M. Liou, C-J. Hsueh, C-S. Lee, M-L. Wu, and C-Y. Chen "Hippocampal Alterations in Children with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy with or without a History of Febrile Convulsions: Evaluations with MR Volumetry and Proton MR Spectroscopy" American Journal of Neuroradiology, 26:1270-1275, May 2005SCI

Conference Papers

International Conference

1. T-C. Chao, T-H. Lin, M-L. Wu "A Cascade Deep Network to Improve Parallel MRI Reconstruction" AAPM 61th meeting, San Antonio, Texas, USA 2019MOST 107-2221-E-006-075-MY2

2. C-C. Tsai, T-C. Chao, M-H. Ho, Y-J. Liu, M-L. Wu "Thin Slab Cerebral Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping" ISMRM 26th meeting, Paris, France 2018MOST 106-2221-E-006-068-

3. T-L. Wu, C-L. Cheng, M-T. Wu, M-L. Wu, T-C. Chao "Accelerated Free Breathing Cardiac Cine Imaging with PROPELLER and GRAPPA" ISMRM 23th meeting, Toronto, Canada 2015

4. Y-L. Li, T-C. Chao, M-L. Wu "Analyzing Brain Networks in Motor fMRI Using Anatomically Weighted Functional Connectivity" IFMIA, Tainan, Taiwan 2015

5. I-J. Chen, Y-H. Cheng, T-C. Chao, M-L. Wu "Effects of Temporal Resolution on Granger Causality Analysis in Auditory-Motor fMRI" ISMRM 22th meeting, Milan, Italy 2014

6. C-K. Wang, P-Y. Lin, T-C. Chao, M-L. Wu "Automatic Artifact Detection and Image Quality Assessment for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping" ISMRM 22th meeting, Milan, Italy 2014

7. Y-H. Cheng, I-J. Chen, T-C. Chao, M-L. Wu "Evaluating Effective Connectivity in Auditory-Motor fMRI Using Dynamic Granger Causality Analysis" ISMRM 22th meeting, Milan, Italy 2014

8. Y-L. Wu, S-M. Huang, S-L. Peng, Y-C. Wu, T-C. Yang, J-C. Hsu, M-L. Wu, F-N. Wang "Resting State Network in ADHD Rat Model Using Group ICA" ISMRM 21th meeting, Salt Lake City, USA 2013

9. P-H. Wu, C-W. Ko, M-L. Wu, and H-W. Chung "Effects of Flip Angle Profile in T2 Quantification Using 3D Dual Echo Steady-State (DESS)" ISMRM 21th meeting, Salt Lake City, USA 2013

10. I-J. Chen, Y-H. Cheng, T-C. Chao, P-H. Lai, F-N. Wang, and M-L. Wu "Effective Brain Connectivity Among Resting-State Networks: A Frequency Dependent Granger Causality Analysis" ISMRM 21th meeting, Salt Lake City, USA 2013

11. S-F. Liang, T-H. Hsieh, P-Z. Chen, M-L. Wu, C-C. Kung, C-Y. Lin, F-Z. Shaw "Differentiation between resting-state fMRI data from ADHD and normal subjects: Based on functional connectivity and machine learning" Fuzzy Theory and it's Applications (iFUZZY), International Conference on, pp.294,298, 2012

12. C-J. Juan, Y-J. Liu, Y-H. Lee, T-Y. Huang, F-N. Wang, M-L. Wu "To Investigate the Cerebral Vasomotor Reactivity by CO2 Stimulus Using Cine PCMRI" ISMRM 20th meeting, Melbourne, Australia 2012

13. H-C. Chang, N-K. Chen, T-C. Chuang, C-J. Juan, M-L. Wu, H-W. Chung "PROPELLER-EPI improved by 2D phase cycled reconstruction" ISMRM 20th meeting, Melbourne, Australia 2012

14. M-L. Wu, H-C. Chang, T-C. Chao, P-H. Wu, and N-K. Chen "Midbrain nuclei visualization improved by susceptibility-enhanced 3D inversed Double Echo Steady State (iDESS) imaging" ISMRM 20th meeting, Melbourne, Australia 2012

15. P-H. Wu, H-W. Chung, M-L. Wu, T-C. Chuang, T-C. Chao "Brain fMRI with dual echo steady-state (DESS) imaging: preliminary findings on signal behavior and flip-angle dependency" ISMRM 20th meeting, Melbourne, Australia 2012

16. Y-W. Tang, T-Y. Huang, M-L. Wu, C-W. Ko "An automatic real-time feedback calibration of RF phase cycling by off-resonance weighted imaging sequence" ISMRM 20th meeting, Melbourne, Australia 2012

17. M-L. Wu, and N-K. Chen "Midbrain Nuclei Visualization Improved by Susceptibility-enhanced 3D Multi-echo SSFP for Deep Brain Stimulation Guidance" ISMRM 18th meeting, Stockholm, Sweden 2010

18. M-L. Wu, and N-K. Chen "Artifact-free and Multi-contrast SSFP Imaging Achieved in a Single Acquisition" ISMRM 17th meeting, Hawaii, USA 2009

19. T-C. Chao, B. Madore, M-L. Wu, J. Yuan, and H-W. Chung "Incorporating Self-Referenced Information Into Compressed Sensing in Dynamic Imaging" ISMRM 17th meeting, Hawaii, USA 2009

20. O. Afacan, W.S. Hoge, D.H. Brooks, J. Yuan, M-L. Wu, L.P. Panych, and I.A. Morocz "A Method to Increase Temporal Resolution in 3D-EPI fMRI Using UNFOLD" ISMRM 17th meeting, Hawaii, USA 2009

21. M-L. Wu, L.P. Panych, and N-K. Chen "Optimizing 3D EPI with k-space Energy Spectrum Analysis (KESA)" ISMRM 16th meeting, Toronto, Canada 2008

22. P-H. Wu, T-Y. Huang, M-L. Wu, H-S. Liu, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "Transition-Band SSFP fMRI with Increased Spatial Coverage: Slice-Dependent Frequency Adjustments in a Bilateral Motor Activation Experiment" ISMRM 16th meeting, Toronto, Canada 2008

23. P-H. Wu, T-Y. Huang, M-L. Wu, H-S. Liu, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "Improvements in Sweep Scans for Frequency Adjustments in SSFP fMRI Using Coarse Sampling with Cubic Spline Interpolation" ISMRM 16th meeting, Toronto, Canada 2008

24. M-L. Wu, P-H. Wu, T-Y. Huang, Y-Y. Shih, M-C. Chou, H-S. Liu, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "SSFP fMRI at 0.37 mm3 Voxel Volume: Effects of Spatial Resolution on SNR and Functional Sensitivity" ISMRM 15th meeting, Berlin, Germany 2007

25. M-L. Wu, T-Y. Huang, P-H. Wu, Y-Y. Shih, M-C. Chou, H-S. Liu, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "Automatic Slice-dependent Frequency Adjustments for SSFP fMRI" ISMRM 15th meeting, Berlin, Germany 2007

26. P-H. Wu, M-L. Wu, T-Y. Huang, and H-W. Chung "SSFP fMRI with Parallel Interleaved Multiple Frequency Acquisition" ISMRM 15th meeting, Berlin, Germany 2007

27. M-L. Wu, T-Y. Huang, P-H. Wu, M-C. Chou, C-Y. Chen, and H-W. Chung "Frequency Stabilization Using Finite Impulse Response Filtering for BOSS fMRI at 3T" ISMRM 14th meeting, Seattle, USA 2006

28. P-H. Wu, M-L. Wu, T-Y. Huang, and H-W. Chung "Transient State BOSS fMRI for a Further Increase in Sensitivity" ISMRM 14th meeting, Seattle, USA 2006

29. M-C. Chou, H-W. Chung, T-Y. Huang, H-S. Liu, C-Y. Wang, M-L. Wu, and C-Y. Chen "Q-Ball Imaging with PROPELLER Acceleration" ISMRM 14th meeting, Seattle, USA 2006

30. Y-R. Lin, S-Y. Tsai, T-Y. Huang, M-L. Wu, C-Y. Chen, H-W. Chung, N-K. Chen and K. Kwong "Double-Sampled EPI in fMRI: A Ghost-Free Acquisition Method with Inherent Field Map Correction Capability" ISMRM 14th meeting, Seattle, USA 2006

31. M-L. Wu, Y-J. Liu, M-C. Chung, K-H. Chuang, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "Cascaded ICA-clustering Networks for MRI Analysis: Preliminary Results from Brain Perfusion Images" ESMRMB 22th meeting, Basel, Switzerland 2005

32. M-L. Wu, Y-J. Liu, C-J. Juan, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "Bayesian Component Number Estimation while Applying ICA to Functional MRI" ISMRM 13th meeting, Miami, USA 2005

33. M-C. Chou, M-L. Wu, H-W. Chung, C-Y. Wang, and C-Y. Chen "TENsor Deflection (TEND) Tractography with Sub-pixel Adaptive Step Size" ISMRM 13th meeting, Miami, USA 2005

34. M-L. Wu, S-Y. Tsai, Y-R. Lin, T-Y. Huang, M-T. Wu, H-W. Chung, C-Y. Chen, and H-B. Pan "MR Dynamic Contrast Pulmonary Images Analyzed by Independent Component Analysis: More Accurate Assessment of Pulmonary Perfusion" ISMRM 11th meeting, Toronto, Canada 2003

35. K-H. Chuang, M-T. Wu, H-W. Chung, M-L. Wu, and S-Y. Tsai "Novel Application of Model-free Analysis in the MR Assessment of Pulmonary Perfusion Dynamics" ISMRM 11th meeting, Toronto, Canada 2003

36. M-L. Wu, W-C. Wu, C-W. Ko, C-Y. Chen, and H-W. Chung "Angiogenesis in Cerebral Gliomas: T2* rCBV Map Versus Pathological Vascularity" ISMRM 8th meeting, Denver, USA 2000

37. M-L. Wu, W-C. Wu, H-W. Chung, and C-Y. Chen "A Simple Efficient Algorithm for Brain Segmentation on T1-weighted Images Employing Edge Detection" ISMRM 8th meeting, Denver, USA 2000

38. W-C. Wu, M-L. Wu, C-W. Ko, C-Y. Chen, and H-W. Chung "Comparison of Volumetry and Proton MRS in Hippocampi of Children with History of Febrile Convulsion and/or Temporal Lobe Epilepsy" ISMRM 8th meeting, Denver, USA 2000

39. W-C. Wu, M-L. Wu, C-W. Ko, C-Y. Chen, and H-W. Chung "Regional Discrepancy of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Cerebral Gliomas: Correlation with Tumor rCBV and CSI" ISMRM 8th meeting, Denver, USA 2000

40. C-W. Ko, W-C. Wu, M-L. Wu, C-Y. Chen, and H-W. Chung "Preoperative Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Cerebral Glioma using Perfusion EPI and CSI: Preliminary Results" ISMRM 8th meeting, Denver, USA 2000

National Conference

1. T-Y. Huang, M-L. Wu, Y-D. Lin, and H-W. Chung "Implementation of Fax-ECG System" Annual Symposium of the Biomedical Engineering Society, Taipei, R.O.C. 1998


National Science Council Projects

以人工智慧技術達成之大腦組織磁化率定量2021 ~ 2024科技部
利用高效率深度學習達成之磁振造影大腦腫瘤自動組織切割系統2018 ~ 2020科技部
功能性磁振造影神經回饋平台之建置與記憶訓練2017 ~ 2018科技部
磁振大腦組織磁化率定量:神經疾病生物標記物之技術發展2015 ~ 2017科技部
利用磁振磁化率權重影像及三維雙迴訊穩定態成像技術改進中腦區域成像2012 ~ 2014國科會
利用磁振多迴訊穩定態成像達成高解析度及高對比的下丘腦影像(二)2011 ~ 2012國科會
利用磁振多迴訊穩定態成像達成高解析度及高對比的下丘腦影像(一)2011 ~ 2011國科會

General Projects

自動化髖關節發育不良篩檢可行性技術評估2021 ~ 2021金屬工業研究中心
快速精準脊椎自動分割演算法開發可行性研究2020 ~ 2020金屬工業研究中心
超音波影像神經位置辨識技術開發2018 ~ 2018金屬工業研究中心




Honor & Awards

成大資訊系大學部專題展:109 級 (第三名)、111 級 (佳作)、112 級 (第二名)、114 級 (第二名)。