資訊系 / 資訊所 / AI學程
  資訊系館新大樓11F 65B10
  06-2757575 ext 62543
      (資訊系館新大樓7F 65703)
台灣 \ 台灣大學 \ 電機工程 \ 博士(1995 ~ 2001)
台灣 \ 台灣大學 \ 電機工程 \ 碩士(1994 ~ 1995)
台灣 \ 台灣大學 \ 電機工程 \ 學士(1990 ~ 1994)
1. 14. Chuan-Ching Sue, Yuan-Bin Hsu, and Pey-Jiuan Ho "Dynamic Preemption Call Admission Control Scheme Based on Markov Decision Process in Traffic Groomed Optical Networks" IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and NetworkingNSC 99-2221-E-006-193-MY2SCI
1. 13. Chuan-Ching Sue, Yuan-Bin Hsu, and Pey-Jiuan Ho "Fair admission control scheme based on conditional preemption in traffic-groomed optical networks" Photonic Network CommunicationsNSC 99-2221-E-006-193-MY2SCI
2. 12. Chuan-Ching Sue and Hsaing-Wen Cheng "A Fitting Report Position Scheme for the Gated IPACT Dynamic Bandwidth Algorithm in EPONs" IEEE/ACM Trans. on NetworkingNSC98-2220-E-006-017SCI
3. Chuan-Ching Sue and Jung-Yung Du "Capacity-Efficient Strategy for 100% Dual-Failure Restorability in Optical Mesh Networks Utilizing Reconfigurable p-Cycles and a Forcer Filling Concept" IET Communications
4. Chuan-Ching Sue and Jing-Ying Yeh "Utilize 100% Spare Redundancy to Offer Higher-level Multiple-fault Restoration in WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion" Computer Networks
5. 9. Chuan-Ching Sue and Chia-Nung Wang "A Novel AWG-based WDM-PON Architecture with Full Protection Capability" Optical Fiber Technology
6. Chuan-Ching Sue "An Enhanced Universal NxN Fully Non-blocking Quantum Switch" IEEE Trans. on Computers
7. Chuan-Ching Sue "Locally Reconfigurable p-Cycle Networks for Dual-failure Restoration" Photonic Network Communications
8. Chuan-Ching Sue "Connection Anonymity Analysis in Coded-WDM PONs" Optical Fiber TechnologyNSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2SCI
9. Chuan-Ching Sue "Dynamic Reconfiguration Policies for Reconfigurable Coded-WDM PONs" Photonic Network CommunicationsNSC95-2221-E-006-092-MY2SCI
10. Yao-Tang Chang, Chuan-Ching Sue, and Jen-Fa Huang "Robust Design for Reconfigurable Coder/Decoders to Protect Against Eavesdropping in Optical CDMA Networks" IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave TechnologyNSC95-2221-E-006-092-MY2SCI
11. Chuan-Ching Sue "A Novel 1:N Protection Scheme for WDM Passive Optical Networks" IEEE Photonics Technology LettersNSC94-2213-E-006-094SCI
12. Chuan-Ching Sue "An Adaptive MAC Protocol for Hybrid Traffic in Single-Hop WDM LANs" GESTS International Transaction on Communication and Signal ProcessingNSC94-2213-E-006-094
13. Chuan-Ching Sue "Wavelength Routing with Spare Reconfiguration for All-Optical WDM Networks" IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave TechnologyNSC92-2218-E-006-045SCI
14. Chuan-Ching Sue and Min-Shao Shieh "Dependable WDM Networks with Edge-Disjoint P-cycles" GESTS International Transaction on Computer Science and Engineering
15. Chuan-Ching Sue and Min-Shao Shieh "Dependable WDM Networks with Edge-Disjoint P-cycles" Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceISPA 2004SCI
16. Chi-Yuan Chang, Chuan-Ching Sue, and Sy-Yen Kuo "A Survey and Comparison of Fault-Toerant Optical Crossconnect for All-Optical Networks" Journal of Internet TechnologyEI
17. Chuan-Ching Sue and Sy-Yen Kuo "Design and Analysis of Accelerative Pre-Allocation Protocol for WDM Star-Coupled Networks" IEEE J. Lightwave TechnologySCI
18. Chuan-Ching Sue and Sy-Yen Kuo "Restoration from Multiple Faults in WDM Networks Without Wavelength Conversion" Lecture Notes in Computer ScienceSCI
19. Chuan-Ching Sue, Sy-Yen Kuo,and Yennun Huang "Fault tolerant Crossconnect and Wavelength Routing in All-Optical Networks" IEICE Transaction on CommunicationSCI
1. Chuan-Ching Sue, Chi-Yu Hsu, Yung-Yi Shieh, and Yu-Shiang Su "The design and implementation of an IPTV service architecture based on OSGi gateway and UPnP AV over heterogeneous network" International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous computing
2. C. T. Lin, C. Y. Huang, and C. C. Sue "Measuring and Assessing Software Reliability Growth Through Simulation-Based Approaches" Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2007)EI
3. Chuan-Ching Sue and Ren-Jie Chiou "A Hybrid Multipath Routing in Mobile ad hoc Networks" IEEE PRDC 2006NSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2
4. Wei-Chih Huang, Chin-Yu Huang, and Chuan-Ching Sue "Software Reliability Prediction and Assessment Using Both Finite and Infinite Server" IEEE PRDC 2006
5. Chuan-Ching Sue "Dynamic Reconfiguration Policies for Reconfigurable Coded-WDM PONs" IEEE PRDC 2006NSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2
6. Chuan-Ching Sue, Yong-Qing Wu, and Chi-Yu Hsu "Design of Robust Data Gathering MAC in Wireless Sensor Networks" IEEE Tencon 2006 NSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2EI
7. Chuan-Ching Sue, Chuan-Ching Sue and Shih-Chang Hsu "Cousin-Fair Bandwidth Allocation in Intelligent Digital Home Networks" IEEE Tencon 2006NSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2EI
8. Chuan-Ching Sue "1:N Protection Scheme for AWG-based WDM PONs" IEEE Globecom 2006NSC94-2213-E-006-094
9. Chuan-Ching Sue, Wei-Ren Chen, and Chin-Yu Huang "Design and Analysis of a Fully Non-blocking Quantum Switch" IEEE International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2006)NSC94-2213-E-006-094
10. Jen-Fa Huang, Yao-Tang Chang, Den-Sheng, and Chuan-Ching Sue "Reconfigurable coded WDM with Arrayed-Waveguide-Gratings to Enhance Confidentiality on Fiber-to-the-Home Networks" 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC)
11. Chuan-Ching Sue, Chao-Yang Lee, Shih-Chang Hsu, and Jun-Ying Yeh "Evaluating the Restorability in WDM Networks Based on Directional Cycle Decomposition Algorithm (DCDA)" IEEE Tencon 2005NSC94-2213-E-006-094EI
12. Chuan-Ching Sue, Jen-Fa Huang, Yao-Tang Chang, Deng-Sheng Wang, and Chao-Yang Lee "A Robust Design of Reconfigurable Encoder and Decoder Against Un-authorized Users in Optical CDMA Networks" IEEE Tencon 2005NSC94-2213-E-006-094EI
13. Chuan-Ching Sue and Min-Shao Shieh "Dependable WDM Networks with Reconfigurable Edge-Disjoint p-cycles" 3rd IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: Research and EducationNCKU940101-1700-17
14. Chuan-Ching Sue, Yung-Chiao Chen, Min-Shao Shieh, and Sy-Yen Kuo "Dependable WDM Networks with Edge-Disjoint P-cycles" IEEE 2nd International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
15. Chuan-Ching Sue, Jun-Ying Yeh and Chin-Yu Huang "Full Restoration of Multiple Faults in WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion" IEEE Asian Test Symposium
16. Chuan-Ching Sue, Jun-Ying Yeh, Yung-Chiao Chen and Chin-Yu Huang "Tolerating Multiple Faults in WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion" IEEE Tencon 2004EI
17. Chuan-Ching Sue, Yung-Chiao Chen, and Jun-Ying Yeh "Multiple Faults in WDM Networks without Wavelength Conversion" IEEE 1st International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks
18. Yung-Chiao Chen, Chuan-Ching Sue, and Sy-Yen Kuo "Survivable WDM Networks with Augmented Ring Protection" IEEE 1st International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks
19. Chuan-Ching Sue, Jung-Ying Ye, Chin-Yu Huang, and Yung-Chiao Chen "Wavelength Routing wiht Spare Reconfiguration for All-Optical WDM Networks" IEEE 7th International Conference on Advanced Communication TechnologyNSC92-2218-E-006-045
20. Chuan-Ching Sue and Sy-Yen Kuo "Restoration from Multiple Faults in WDM Networks Without Wavelength Conversion" International Conference on Networking, ICN’01
21. Chuan-Ching Sue and Sy-Yen Kuo "Dependable Wavelength Routing with Spare Rerouting in All-Optical WDM Networks" 15th International Conference on Information and Networking
22. Chuan-Ching Sue, Sy-Yen Kuo, and Yennun Huang "A Two-Phase MAC Protocol for Unicast and Multicast Traffic in Single-Hop WDM LANs" 14th International Conference on Information and Networking
23. Chuan-Ching Sue, Sy-Yen Kuo, and Yennun Huang "An Accelerative Pre-Allocation Protocol for Wavelength Division Multiplexing Star-Coupled Networks" 1999 International Symposium on Computers and Communications
24. 31. Wen-Yu Tseng, Chuan-Ching Sue, and Sy-Yen Kuo "Performance Analysis for Unicast and Multicast Traffic in Broadcast-and-Select WDM Networks" 1999 International Symposium on Computers and Communications
25. Chang-Ching Sue and Sy-Yen Kuo "Synchronous Flow Control in Wormhole Routed Optical Networks" 1998 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
26. Chuan-Ching Sue, Wen-Yu Tseng, and Sy-Yen Kuo "Architecture and Analysis of Accelerative Pre-Allocation Protocol for WDM Star-Coupled Networks" 1998 International Computer Symposium
27. Jen-Pin Lin, Chuan-Ching Sue, Shih-Chang Wang, and Sy-Yen Kuo "Evaluation on Memory Buffers for Shared Bus Multiprocessors" 1996 International Computer Symposium
1. Chuan-Ching Sue, Shih-Chang Hsu, and Wei-Chu Chen "Bandwidth Allocation Strategy for Intelligent Digital Home Networks" International Computer Symposium (ICS 2006)NSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2
2. Chuan-Ching Sue and Chi-Yu Hsu "Analysis of Multimedia Communication on On-Demand Hybrid Multipath Routing Protocol" The Third Workshop on Grid Technologies and Applications (WoGTA’06)NSC95-2221-E-006-093-MY2
3. C. Y. Huang, J. H. Lo, J. W. Lin, C. C. Sue, and C. T. Lin "Optimal Resource Allocation and Sensitivity Analysis for Software Modular Testing" Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia Software Engineering (MSE 2003)
4. C. Y. Huang, J. H. Lo, C. C. Sue, and B. T. Lin "A Study of Software Reliability Growth Modeling with Logistic Testing-Effort Function and Change-Point" Proceedings of the 5th ROC Symposium on Reliability and Maintainability
計畫名稱 | 起迄日期 | 補助單位 |
新世代光接取網路保護架構之設計與分析 | 2008 ~ 2009 | 國科會 |
利用OSGi與Android開放平台之網路電視服務架構設計與實作 | 2008 ~ 2009 | 國科會 |
高可用性光核心網路之容量規劃的設計與分析 | 2006 ~ 2008 | 國科會 |
基於互斥保護環集之可存活性服務提供機制的實作與分析 | 2005 ~ 2006 | 國科會 |
在全光多波長分波多工網路中具可靠性的波長繞路機制 | 2003 ~ 2004 | 國科會 |